Friday, January 11, 2013


Passion.  Vision.  Purpose.  Calling.  These are some of my favorite words.  They cause a stirring in me that I sometimes cannot contain, but I'm still in the birthing process of God's plan for my life.  I can see His plan on the horizon and I know it's coming quickly, but I still have some waiting to do.

I'm not a big fan of waiting.  Unfortunately, sometimes I want it my way, and right now!  But no matter how much I push and shove to try to "get it done," God will not be moved.  He will not release His plan until HE is ready... and oh, how grateful I am for that!  God, in His great mercy, will not allow me to move from this waiting place until everything has been made ready.  He plans for me to succeed, and I will succeed, IF I will be obedient and wait on His timing.

Waiting on God can be hard, but there are some things that only He can take care of.  All I have to do is place my faith and trust in Him, because putting my hands on things to control them only makes the process longer.  So I wait...

But waiting is active... praying, believing, worshiping... and oddly enough, it takes passion, vision, and purpose!  I have to take hold of the vision He has given me for my life and hold on to my faith with passion knowing that all this waiting has a purpose!  He is growing me, He is preparing the ground for my future, He is working everything out for my good... for His glory... and soon enough, when He is ready, the calling He has given me will be born.

Finally, humility is KEY in this waiting game.  While I'm waiting, God is operating.  He is opening me up, exposing the cancer of sin and wrong thinking, and cutting it out.  He is shining His light on all the dark places within me and gently erasing signs of the enemy. He is pulling out old arrows, cleaning and closing old wounds, and massaging the scars to make them soft.  He is pouring His love out on me and making me better.  He is increasing my capacity to love, to give, and to receive.  He is surrounding me with His goodness and binding me up in His grace.

How I love Him so... and so I gladly wait.

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