Monday, October 3, 2016

He's there...

Psalm 139:8 says, "If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there." Just before that, this chapter says that He knows our most intimate thoughts and motives before we even get a chance to think or plan them.  It says He goes before us and He watches our back.

Verse 9 goes on to say that wherever I choose to dwell, He is there with me. Even if I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, He is there.  After that, the chapter explains that even the darkness is light to the Lord.

Psalm 139 says that even though He can see our thoughts from afar, even though we may choose to make our lives a living hell, even though we may try to run far from Him... He is with us.  We cannot get away from Him.  No matter where we are, His hand will lead us... and His right hand will hold us. This is because of what it says in verse 17.... His thoughts toward His children are too many to count, and they are precious. 

There is so much more to the story... more about how to be a child of God, how to love Him and follow Him, and lay your life down before Him... there's so much about taking advantage of His presence while He is still available to us before it's too late. And the truth should be known that He will let us go like the prodigal son, if that is our choice...

But so many need to know, and I can always use a reminder, that no matter where you have made your bed... no matter where you have chosen to try and run from God... no matter what you have done... the Father still loves you, cherishes you, and protects you.  Look for the signs, watch for His protective ways, ask Him to show you His love.  He's there.  You may not see it now, but He's there... and He desires to help you...

God Himself says this in His own Word, a love letter written to you...
"Even there [wherever I go] Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.  If I say, "Surely the darkness shall fall on me," even the night shall be light about me!  Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day!  The darkness and the light are both alike to You!" 
We make our own beds... even when we can't control the situation, we can control ourselves... and we make our own beds.  And sometimes the places where we choose to reside are not pretty.  But God has a way back to Him and back to His perfect will.  You haven't gone too far.  You haven't turned Him off.  His love is perfect, unconditional, and it never ends.  You can depend on Him!

So right now, just turn your thoughts to Him and begin to ask for His help.  Ask... then stop and listen... be ready to do what He says, because He's ready to show you the way home!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here

I was sitting on my back porch this morning, smearing the occasional sprinkler mist off the pages of my Bible as I read out of Acts chapter 2...

The Holy Spirit had come upon the earth with the sound of a "mighty, rushing wind." Devout Jewish men from "every nation under heaven" had heard the followers of Christ speaking "the wonderful works of God" in their own individual languages!  Upon hearing this, some of them were AMAZED... "How is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? What could this mean?"... but others were skeptical, hearing with embittered hearts, saying these testifying men were drunk!  

Peter stood up before the crowd... and raised his voice so all could hear... saying, "these men are not drunk!  It's only the 3rd hour of the day!"  Peter went on to quote the Prophet Joel about the coming of the Holy Spirit... the outpouring of God's spirit upon all the earth... the last days... and the Salvation that only comes from calling on the Name of the Lord.

Peter--the brash but timid man who cut off a soldier's ear in protective loyalty to Christ, and then three times denied even knowing Him--this man boldly testified before the masses that Jesus is the Christ... the Son of the Living God.  Peter spoke the Truth in love when he opened men's eyes to the Savior... giving the history and facts proving that Jesus was their long-awaited Messiah.  He pulled no punches when he brought their sins to light. These devout Jewish men had not only rejected the Coming King, but they had brutalized and murdered God's Son... just like the Israelites of old, murdering God's prophets to keep their ears from hearing the Truth.    

Peter said, quoting David, "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool," showing God's full proof that Christ may have seemed defeated, but He entirely was not.  
"This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses. Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear," Acts 2:32-22. 
I am always amazed at the change in Peter shown by this text.  It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that this once fool-spouting man... overly eager and partially devoted... stepped up to the plate and swung a Home Run, bringing 3,000 men to Christ in a single afternoon. 

Acts 2:41-42 goes on to say: 
"Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.  And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."  
It says that "fear came upon all souls..."  The fear of the Lord that leads to breaking free from sin and living righteously before God.  All because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  And watch this from verses 44-47:
"...all who believed were together, and had all things in common... continuing daily in one accord... they at their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved."  
Jesus went from 120 disciples (Acts 1:15) to thousands of devoted followers in one day, all by the power of the Holy Spirit... and the difference in the people is amazing!  That sounds like Holy Communion right there working within the Body of Christ.  And you know what I wonder?  How have our churches changed so much from this example?  I mean, people were working to provide for each other, selling their own possessions to provide for their brothers and sisters in Christ.  They were together in prayer, in fellowship, and in praise to God... and people were coming to the Lord EVERY DAY!

I'm just thinking out loud here, but is that what your church looks like?  Is that what my church looks like?  Maybe not, but there is nothing in the Word that tells me the modern day Body of Christ should look any different.

Our world would be so different if we functioned in this type of unity, even if we started just within our four walls... because the Holy Spirit spreads.  Remember that old camp song, "it only takes a spark to get a fire going..."?  Maybe you're too young to know it, or maybe I'm to old to be sharing it (lol), but it's true! The arrival of God's Holy Spirit only looked like one small flame touching each person (Acts 2:3), but it exploded into a wildfire!!

In this modern day world, these last days of the end times, what the Church needs is an uprising of the Holy Spirit.  We need an increase in the Gifts of the Spirit... an overflowing of the Fruit of the Spirit... a renewing of the Compassion of Christ that only comes by the Spirit and leads all men to Himself.  It is by prayer that these things will come... and it is by Worship, the Word and Prayer in our daily lives that the Holy Spirit will begin to arise within our own hearts.

If we desire this, it is because the Father has placed that desire in our hearts. That is when we can ask the Father, believing, and it WILL be given to us... God's ways are so much higher than ours.  Holy Spirit, You are welcome here! 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Compassion of Christ

The song on my heart this morning is this... thank you, Jesus, you set me free.  Christ my Savior, You rescued me.

You've given me life
You've opened my eyes
I love You Lord
I love You Lord
You've entered my heart
You've set me apart
I love You Lord
I love You Lord
(Thank You Jesus, by Hillsong)

Paul said, "I have decided to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and Him crucified," (1 Corinthians 2:2).

He also told  Timothy to "pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf; give thanks to God for them," (1 Timothy 2:1). 

Standing in a crowded place, not really thinking about anything, my thoughts turned to the Lord.  I thought, "Lord, what would You want me to be thinking about right now?"  His response to my heart was this... "look at all these people all around you."  And I looked and thought about the hundreds, maybe thousands, of people all around me... wondering where they were going, what they were doing, did they know Christ? 

I thought about 1 Timothy 2:1 - "pray for all people... ask God to help them... intercede for them... give thanks for them."  So I started doing that, just simply, quietly, without speaking...

"Thank you, Father, for these people, thank you. Please help them, God.  In every way, please help them........."

And in that moment of simple prayer, a change came over me.  I felt love for these people.  I felt compassion.  My heart went out to them for the pain they may have experienced, for the choices they have to make, for the burdens they are carrying and the sickness they may be experiencing.  Are they all alone?  Who will help them?  Who will be there for them?  No one could have offended me in that moment.  No one could have irritated me.  Forgiveness was at the forefront... ready before it was even needed.  These were God's people... the ones He loves... the ones He wants to bring to Himself. In a moment, I felt joy for them, and sadness at the same time.  Where are they with Christ? Are they His?  Are they seeking Him?  What can I say?  What can I do that will lead them to Him?  

And there it was.  The love and compassion of Christ that leads to seeking the lost and bringing them into the Father.  I went from standing in a crowd doing nothing, to praying for the salvation of the lost who surrounded me on all sides, and all it took was asking the Father a simple question: "what do You want from me in this moment?"  And what did He want?  For me to love people, pray for them, and get them to the Cross.  

How different life would be if this is what we did all the time.  Living in the compassion of Christ for all people.  The world would be a different, and much better place.

We're not perfect, but in Christ, we get better every day.  This compassion can be our world if that is what we desire.  

Monday, April 4, 2016

Wagon Tracks...

Good morning!  This morning I'm sitting in my recliner, enjoying a cup of coffee and studying God's Abundance...  

"They feast on the abundance of Your house, and You give them drink from the River of Your delights," (Psalm 36:8)  

I've decided that today - all this week - I'm going to think about Abundance.  Our days can be so riddled with negativity and the demands of mundane life that our minds, hearts, and attitudes NEED us to focus on all the GOOD the Lord has done!  The Bible even tells us to be purposeful about thinking on good, positive, lovely things (Philippians 4:8).  What's more lovely than Abundance?  

There's SO much good stuff in the Bible about God's Abundance.. 
  • Jeremiah 31:14 - "I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people will be satisfied with My goodness," declares the LORD."

  • Psalm 63:5 - "My soul [my life, my very self] is satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth offers praises [to You] with joyful lips." 

  • 1 Cor 2:9 - "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him."

  • Ephesians 3:20-21 - "Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen."

... but this verse on Abundance stood out to me this morning and I thought I'd share... 

"You crown the year with Your Bounty; Your wagon tracks overflow with Abundance," (Psalm 65:11). 

I love this picture of Blessing in Motion.  I am a firm believer in #doing, (though I'm not always that great at being consistent).  I fully believe we are saved by grace through faith alone, not of works. At. All.  However, I also fully believe that because of the life of Christ in us, we are His workmanship, created to do His good works (Ephesians 2:10)!  He prepared us for good works and He has set us in authority over the works of His hands (Hebrews 2:7).  This Christ life gives us PURPOSE like we never dreamed possible... and it's easier than we think!! 

Step One is always... and will ALWAYS be... to get your wagon FULL.  

The Bible, in John 15, talks about abiding in the vine.  It says that the Father, through Christ, is the Vine and we are the Branches.  If we will abide, or remain, in Him, there will be NOTHING that we cannot do... NOTHING that we cannot ask for according to His will that HE will not give us.  That's where it all begins.  

I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if we are living defeated lives, it's because we don't know the truth and power of God's love.  If we really knew WHO it was that saved us... and WHAT His heart really holds for us... and HOW He is able to strengthen us, empower us, and lift all our burdens... it would change our lives completely.  

This is what I mean by filling your wagon.  It's in seeking to know God more by studying His Word... it's in searching for a place of real intimacy between you and God through prayer and just laying it all out on the table... it's in finding that place where you believe 1) Jesus died for you, 2) God loves you... just as you are, and 3) you're forgiven... completely... for everything.  

You have been made perfect... holy.  You are God's own special treasure... priceless.  And you did nothing to earn it.  Believing that... having faith in it.  That's abiding.  That's filling your wagon.  And it feels AMAZING.  Even if you're not there yet, the simple desire to be there mixed with a little bit of faith will start getting the job done!  

Step Two... Get Your Wagon MOVING!!    

We have been saved by grace, through faith, and not of works.  Nothing in the least that we can do in our own strength will save us.  That's the truth.  

But we were created to DO GOOD WORKS.  We have been given authority over the very works of God's own hands!  We were given PURPOSE, but WE have to get moving.  

The Bible says that the thief has come to kill, to steal, and to destroy (John 10:10).  And in today's American church, I think the greatest thief in our time is passivity.  It comes in all shapes and forms, and is sometimes hard to discern, but passivity in itself will kill, steal, and destroy ALL God has set aside for us to do.  
Passivity can refer to a lack of courage, lack of confidence, and lack of persistence to accomplish what God has called us to do. Passivity is also inactivity, being subdued in attitude, not responding to a word or action that was received. Passivity also refers to the inability to resist evil. It refers to being dull and without energy, emotionless and inexpressive. The apostle Paul told Timothy that God did not give him the spirit of fear (passivity), but a spirit of power and love and a sound mind.
Remember that there is Abundance in His Wagon Tracks.  If we get our wagons filled up so we know and dwell in the love of God, but then we do nothing with it to spread His love and sow it to others, all we have gained will rot and profit us nothing.  We will find ourselves dying on the vine!  But the Bible says that a man's gifts will make a way for him (Proverbs 18:6)!  It says, "give and it will be given to you" (Luke 6:38).  If we desire to reap in Abundance, we must sow in Abundance.  The branches that do not bear fruit by sowing and reaping will wither and will be cut off (John 15:2).  

We are saved by faith alone, but faith is not really faith if it is not accompanied by doing good on the Father's behalf and to please the Father's heart (James 2:14-26). 

Wagon Tracks... 

The greatest thing about all of this, is that the Bible tells us not to despise small beginnings (Zech 4:10)... (So much Hope in every Word the Father speaks!)  Even the simplest things count when we do them with a heart that seeks to please the Father... and if we decide today to start with small steps of obedience, our faith will increase with every step, and we will grow into even greater works than these...  
  • Sometimes it's working in the church, or volunteering to help a friend in need.  

  • Maybe it's baking cookies and knocking on a neighbor's door to offer prayer, a hug, or a friendly hello.  

  • It could be writing letters with scriptures of encouragement to your pastors and fellow laborers, or making phone calls to pray and check on people.    

  • Or maybe it's starting a Bible study, prayer group, or fellowship night...
The greatest thing that we don't often realize is that WE were CREATED to be a LIGHT in our world.  To see what negative things are going on and fight them with the Love of Christ.  To know that there are real people in our every day lives that we come into contact with... and we were placed in their lives for a reason.  WE may be the only JESUS someone sees today... 

His wagon tracks are filled with Abundance... 

If we are moving forward in Christ, we WILL be blessed!  If we do not grow weary in doing good, we WILL reap a Harvest (Galatians 6:9)!  If we get our FULL wagons moving, our wagon tracks WILL be filled with Abundance!  

Who Gets the Leftovers?

And let's not forget about those who come behind us... who is following us? Who is gleaning the leftovers from our harvest?  

I saw this amazing picture online that beautifully illustrated how those we lift up will lift us up in return. When our path overflows so much that it raises up others...we ourselves will be raised up, as well.  And not just in position, but in peace, in joy...whatever we sow, we will reap. 

I'm asking God today how I can sow into others, what He would have me to do, and how to get my wagon moving in the right direction. Will you join me?

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Deep Calls Unto Deep

As believers in Christ, we sometimes think we have it all figured out.  We go to church, read our Bibles, and pray... sort of... but what we don't realize is that we're drowning in the shallow end of the pool.  We're dying on the vine.  There is an immeasurable depth of living water available to us, but we refuse to access it... or maybe we don't know how...

We feel the longing.  We know there is something more, and we can almost taste it. Sometimes it feels like our hearts will burst if we don't find the answer soon... and we have a feeling that if we wait too long, we may never find it.  We begin to feel desperate to quench the thirst, and we feel a sense of urgency, but we're not sure where to run or what to do!  We know the Lord, we work for Him, we're good little boys and girls... but we sink in the knowledge that we are somehow, tragically, missing the mark.
"Deep calls unto deep in the roar of Your waterfalls, all Your waves and breakers have swept over me." ~Psalm 42:7
The barren dryness of the desert resides deep within humanity.  People are dying of thirst. They are longing for something they cannot name, and therefore, cannot find.  They have good ideas, but can't quite put their finger on the answer that will soothe their dry, cracked souls.  All too often, they settle for less.  They get used to their thirsty emptiness... used to feeling chapped and sunburned.  They begin to believe the soothing shade and healing balm will never come, so they get comfortable in the desert and stop searching for that deep drink of water.  
Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” ~John 7:37-38
For those who do not know Christ, accepting Him into their lives will be like water in the desert to their dry and weary souls.  A peace they have never known will flood into them like a river overflowing its banks, and though life will still have trouble, they will be able to rest knowing that Jesus has changed the foundation of everything. They will have that blessed assurance that, come hell or high water, God's got their back.

But then there are those who HAVE known Christ... for a while... maybe even their whole lives.  And even though they have been granted access to deep, living water, their relationship with God has grown stagnant and stale.  They are overcome by life's daily struggles, and have become the enemy's playground.  No victory can be found in them.  Defeat rules the day... because they have been taken in by a lie, and lulled to sleep.

That's the enemy's plan for each of us.  To make us distracted and ineffective at the very least... and at the most, bound up in every way and used by the enemy to defeat others.

But there is still victory to be had!!  It will only take one little spark of faith to wake these believers up... one little glimmer of hope will break into their spirits with a SHOUT, saying, "Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light!!!" (Ephesians 5:14). And like a switch got turned on inside them, they will sit up out of their stupor, shake off the dust, and begin to swim out into the deep parts of the Spirit of God. Their need for Him will become desperate, and they will begin to seek Him out like never before. They will hunger and thirst anew to hear His sweet voice, and they will not rest until they have found Him again. And our ever-faithful Father will meet them there and He will begin to change them... to renew and revive them... and to make them a bright and shining light drawing all men unto Him.  Just a little spark of faith... a small belief in the power of the One True God... will set their hearts and lives ablaze in VICTORY for all to see... for the GLORY of GOD!!

I once heard a wise man say, "the enemy's only weapon is a lie."  We are in a fight for our lives, and we must know what our true weapons are, BUT THIS IS NOT A FAIR FIGHT!  Not even close!  Our enemy is already defeated, and he knows it.  His biggest job in these last days is to make sure WE never truly know it.  But, dear one, we are waking up... a sleeping giant is rising up from the dead... revival has already begun on the earth, and the children of God are beginning to walk in new victory.  We are trampling new ground, taking back what the enemy has stolen.  We are standing up and worshiping our God in spirit and truth, and He is enthroned on our praise!!  The depths of the Spirit of God are calling out to the depths of our souls... and together, as we humble ourselves before Him and submit to His perfect will... we are answering His call.